Good Neighbour Schemes.
The Community Council, with the support of Staffordshire County Council, has been involved over the past 12 months in a project seeking to address the issue of isolation and loneliness, often experienced by elderly, disabled or vulnerable people. This is a pilot project helping 6 local communities scattered around the county to set up their own Good Neighbour Schemes.
They are now trying to establish how many other communities in Staffordshire would like to set up similar schemes in their area and would be pleased to hear whether this is something that would be of interest to anyone in our community.
The current schemes are funded until August 2014 and they do not currently have any commitments from funders after this date, but if a substantial number of communities express a desire to have a scheme in their area, this may help us to secure the necessary resources to set up new schemes.
Anyone interested can contact the community council through this website by commenting on this page below.