Family Nicknames
I suppose its because Brown Edge was such a close community that so many people were related. Several families dominated the community and they had the habit of calling their children after their parents and grandparents which obviously caused difficulties. For this reason everyone had a nickname which was usually associated with a particular family. The late H J Bourne kept a record of these names and gave a copy to the late Freda Berrisford who passed it on to me. It is interesting to note that Mr Bourne knew many other nicknames but could not remember the real name in many cases. Nearly all the names were preceded with “owd” and I have heared my family talk about most of the characters named.
The origins of these names probably came from the school play ground and incidents that occurred marked them out for the future. A few though were onomatopoeic and some descriptive. Sour Dawson really did look as if he had just sucked a lemon and Tunny Tomkinson kept a pub so I suppose that’s how he earned his name.
Some of the names below have links to the history section where I have written down anecdotes about characters as they were told to me.
If you would like a link from this website to your online family tree or would like to know how to make an online tree please contact us or sign in on our Guestbook.
Nickname | Real Name |
Happy Joe | Adams |
Cocky | Baddeley |
Copsee | Bailey |
Nut | Beardmore |
Bleyder | Berrisford |
Skimmer | Berrisford |
Jacker | Berrisford |
Pup | Berrisford Jobs Pool |
Sap | Berrisford Nurseries |
Sugar | Berrisford, James |
Shag | Bourne |
Spy | Bourne |
Lion | Bourne |
Enge | Bourne |
Friday | Charlsworth, John |
Fizz | Dawson |
Razor | Dawson |
Briggs | Dawson |
Bottle | Dawson |
Sour | Dawson (Hill Top) |
Dirk | Durber |
Sponner | Durber |
Mouse (2) | Foster |
Soaky | Foster |
Punker | Foster |
Apple | Frost |
Buntin | Goodwin |
Tinker | Goodwin (Bank End) |
Tatter | Goodwin, Frank |
Dash | Hancock |
Cudd | Hancocks |
Truss | Hargreaves |
Dobin | Heath |
Tricks | Holdcroft |
Sludge | Holdcroft |
Dusty | Holdcroft |
Jarv | Jervis |
Shatter | Jervis, Frank |
Mouse (1) | Johnson |
Quirl | Knight, George |
Billy Muggins | Lomas |
Metal | Mottram |
Snuff | Mottram |
Bod | Mountford |
Turp | Mountford |
Mummy | Mountford |
Amy | Pointon |
Little Jimmy | James Herbert Pointon |
Flick | Pointon |
Mow Flick | Pointon |
Silas | Pointon |
Jigger | Pointon, Arthur (School Bank) |
Wingy | Proctor |
Runner | Scarlet |
Eph | Sharratt |
Stumpy | Sheldon |
Bonnet | Sheldon |
Bargin | Sheldon |
Billy Tipper | Sheldon |
Snip | Sheldon |
Seggy | Sheldon (Charlie) |
Jonny Obe | Sherratt |
Snifter | Simcock |
Workbag | Simcock |
Deiper | Simcock |
Gosh | Simcock |
Little Jessie | Simcock |
Baccer | Simcock, Joe |
Stonner | Stonier |
Tunny | Tomkinson |
Squash | Tomkinson |
Spader | Tomkinson |
Manch | Tomkinson, (Frank) & Family |
Jimper | Tomkinson, James |
Spot | Turner |
Tunny | Turner (Alan) named after his Grandfather Tunny Tomkinson |
Pell | Turner, Fred |
Puther | Turner, Tommy |
Sam Bang | Willett |
Bargin | Willett |
China | Willett |
Bingy | Wilshaw (Foaming Quart) |
Could you tell me how to find more details of Tricks Holdcroft
Was that Enoch Holdcroft
Bacca Simcock was my Grandfather who lived on Fiddlers bank and was married to Elizabeth who was a postwoman. They had a number of children- Brian, Keith,David, Ray (my dad) Frank, Joe, Nancy, Florence, Violet, I think there were 14 in total
My mums nan and grandpa lived on Hilltop farm , I only knew her as nanny Tomkinson . Her daughter ( my Nan ) was called Marion Tomkinson .
My Grandad, George Bourne, Gladys Bailey’s eldest brother’s nickname was “Judder”. He was born in Brown Edge -Top Heath’s Row, and lived around Brown Edge until the 30’s when he lived in Fegg Haye s,then “Bow Grain”. His dream was to move back to Brown Edge and live near Marshes Hill.
My Grandad, George Bourne, Gladys Bailey’s eldest brother’s nickname was “Judder”. He was born in Brown Edge -Top Heath’s Row, and lived around Brown Edge until the 30’s when he lived in Fegg Haye s,then “Bow Grain”. His dream was to move back to Brown Edge and live near Marshes Hill.